Anger Suppressed, Colic, Pain in Abdomen, Stye, Decayed Teeth, Eczema, Toothache & Spermatorrhoea
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Stavestcre
Family: Ranunculaceae
Nervous affections with trembling is a marked feature of this remedy. It produces both_physical and moral, sexual disturbances, provokes excess and irregular sexual appetite and a tendency to masturbation and the physical state corresponding to the effect of that habit. Acts on TEETH; URINARY ORGANS; fibrous tissue; of lids, tarsi; skin; glands and right deltoid. Morbidly sensitive; the least word that seems wrong, hurts her very much; special senses become irritable, cannot tolerate; touch, odour, noise, taste everything is painfully sensated. Squeezing, or stinging smarting pains; as if cut. Pains that move into teeth. Sphincters; lacerated and stretched. LACERATED TISSUE; perineum etc. Stitch pains, remaining after operations. Ill effects of anger and insults; reserved; anger, injury, falls; clean cut wounds; operations; sexual; abuse, excess; dentition, tobacco, mercury. Painful swelling of glands. Arthritic nodosities on joints. Swelling and suppuration of bones; of periosteum. Exostosis. Warts. Condylomata. Hemiplegia after anger. Stiffness and sensation of fatigue in all joints. Whole body painful with feeling of weakness.
Adenoids. Anger, fits of. Anus, itching of. Backache. Bashfulness. Blepharitis. Bones, diseases of. Cauliflower excrescences. Chalazion. Condylomata. Cough. Cysts. Dentition. Dysentery. Dysparunia; in newly married women. Eczema. Eyes, tumours on. Fistula dentalis. Gastralgia. Glands, affections of. Hip-joint disease. Hypochondriasis. Impotency. Iritis; syphilitic. Jaw-joint, easy dislocation of. Lumbar abscess. Mania. Masturbation, effects of. Neuralgia. Night-sweats. Nymphomania. Ovaries, affections of. Pediculosis. Perspiration, offensive. Pregnancy, nausea of. Prostate, affections of. Psoas abscess. Ranula. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Scurvy. Sea-sickness. Seborrhoea. Self-abuse. Spermatic cords, affections of. Spermatorrhoea. Steatoma. Stiff-neck. Styes. Swallowing, constant while talking. Teeth, caries of. Testicles, affections of. Tibiae, pains in. Tobacco, effect of. Toenail, ingrowing. Tonsillitis. Toothache. Tumours; tarsal. Voice, nasal; hoarse. Warts.
Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
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